Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolved: To Rise To The Occasion

Here we are, a new year upon us, resolutions to be made; perchance,  to be kept. I have several resolutions, as usual, so here goes. Bear in mind, these are NOT in any particular order, certainly not as far as importance is concerned. I just hope to keep at least some of them. Maybe.

1. I resolve to finish Laura Paige's Christmas stocking this year. Laura Paige is my youngest daughter. I began needlepointing her stocking FIVE years ago. Yes, there have been stops and starts along the way. Yes, Laura Paige will be 25 years old in May. YES, I NEED TO FINISH THE STOCKING.

2. I resolve to hike two fourteeners this summer in Colorado.  Last summer, I climbed Handies Peak near Lake City. It is considered an "easy" fourteener to climb. To the uninitiated, a fourteener is any mountain over 14,000 feet in elevation. There are over 50 of them in Colorado and since there was apparently no air to breathe for the last 200 yards I struggled up Handies Peak, I will be very happy if I can manage to hike two more of the "easier" mountains this year. Besides being just about the most difficult physical feat of my life, it was the most breath-taking(pun intended) and rewarding accomplishment I have achieved. I do not count childbirth. After all, once you are deliberately "with child" delivering said- child is mandatory,  and drugs are available in the form of an epidural.

3. I resolve to learn how to make a souffle'. The likelihood of accomplishing this task has been improved with a a book I received for Christmas from a dear friend. Rise to the Occasion- A French Food Experience is a beautiful book by Hedda Gioia Dowd , Cherif Brahmi, and Celine Chick. Hedda Dowd and Cherif Brahmi own rise; which is not capitalized,  a Dallas restaurant that is receiving rave reviews for  its fabulous French offerings.

The book is much more than a cookbook. It is written with love by these people who approach French cooking with missionary zeal.  They write with such enthusiasm about the preparation of food that I am convinced that I, too, can whip up a lovely souffle'. The recipes are clear and apparently simple to prepare. The photographs of food, friends, beautiful architecture and table settings are inspiring and fun- not stuffy or overbearing. This is French food of the French countryside- hearty, healthy and delicious.

I must admit the only recipe that has been prepared at my house was a lovely cake, a Cherry Clafouti. Laura Paige, who is an excellent baker, made it with fresh berries, following the recipe exactly. The instructions said to "bake for 15-20 minutes, until browned on top." After 20 minutes, at 375 degrees, the cake was still quite liquid. Nervously, she watched it and, after 33 minutes total cooking time, it was perfect. We are undaunted and plan to try other recipes as soon as possible. The Cherry Clafouti was delicious.

I look forward to trying the fare at rise on my next trip to Dallas. In the meantime, I will try to accomplish Resolution #3, at home. Stay tuned to find out how successful I am!

Happy New Year!

Oh, last year, in an attempt to overcome a "fear of baking", Laura Paige resolved to write a blog detailing her attempts to overcome her phobia. Well, the little darling not only overcame her fear, she has become quite an accomplished baker. Her culinary creations can be viewed at:

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