Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And the Livin' Is Easy

So, summer is flying by and I can't help but wonder how it can already be almost the middle of July. Here in the mountains, we have only just begun to have any rain at all. The hiking trails have been very dusty, the wild flowers somewhat sparse. Now, that the rains seem to be sputtering to a start, I am looking forward to wild strawberries and raspberries on the edge of the trail.  There is nothing tastier!

We had a great 4th of July with family and friends, the fishing has been good for those who love to fish, the conversation at the end of the day has been lively with lots of laughter and memories of past summers and adventures. The dog has managed to catch a brook trout by the tail (briefly), have an encounter with a porcupine (unfortunately), and learn that baby calves' mothers are not to be trifled with (thankfully). She also caught a chipmunk and drowned it by dunking it repeatedly in the river when it refused to quit squirming. We have to call it The Circle of Life to keep from getting too maudlin around here.

I swear I am reading. I may not write about my book(s) until the end of the summer because aforementioned book(s) is/are extremely lengthy. I have also developed an addiction to playing Spider. For the uninitiated, Spider is a form of Solitaire available on IPad. It is a great way to end the day. It would probably be a great way to spend the day, but I am saved from that fate by the call of the outdoors and a dog who will only put up with a modicum of inactivity during daylight hours.

I am meeting one or two of my daughters in Aspen this weekend for a "girl trip." It is a chance for me to get haircut and color, go to great boutiques and restaurants with them, ride mountain bikes down to town from Maroon Bells, and just delight in the company of my precious girls.

Enjoy this summer with those you love. Play washers and pitch horseshoes, shoot targets at the gun range, fish and float some beautiful water, do jigsaw puzzles, play Bananagram, Scrabble, and Uno, climb a tree, build a fort or hide-out in the woods, hold hands and walk a road at sunset. Cook something new, invite friends over for homemade ice cream or watermelon. Wade in the creek, swim in a lake or river, ride a horse, play "Fetch" with a dog. Time is fleeting. Life is short. Savor every moment.

1 comment:

  1. what wonderful inspiration, Paige. Can't wait to see you in Alaska next month!
